For requesting my services call 732 608 477
Minimum order amount is 900 Kč.
Installation works 8-16.30h
Price after 16.30h is 480,-Kč/hour.
Material is not included in the price.
Work on Sunday and holiday is plus 50% of the hourly rate.
450 Kč/hour
Grass cutting and garden maintanace
upon agreement
Using my van in Prague
Parking is not included. It will be charged separately.
450 Kč
Windows cleaning
This price applies to size 100m2 without blinds. Price for blinds cleaning is +1.000 Kč.
2 000 Kč
Cleaning houses/ flats/ offices
Cleaning detergents are not included.
280 Kč/hour
Moving up to 3,5t
Moving by stairs + 150 Kč/floor.
Start and finish for the car drive is Praha 9-Libeň.
I'm not VAT registered subject.